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Phnom Penh / Cambodia

Notorious Toul Sleng Museum
Russian Market- Phnom Penh
National Museum Phnom Penh


Full Day Phnom Penh Tour

In the morning, we will visit Notorious Tuol Sleng Museum. In 1975 Tuol Svay Prey High School was taken over by Pol Pots security forces and turned into a prison known as Security Prison 21 (S-21). It soon became the largest such center of detention and torture in the country. More than 17.000 people held at S-21 were taken to the extermination camp at Choeung Ek to be executed; detainees who died during torture were buried in mass graves in the prison ground. The museum displays include room after room of these photographs of men, women and children covering the walls from floor to ceiling; virtually all the people pictured were later killed. And stop at Russian Market(Psah Tuol Thom Pong), a lively outdoor market where you will find antiquities, silver and gold jewelry, gems, silk, kramas, stone and wood carvings, as well as T-Shirts, CDs and other souvenirs. Continue to visit Killing Field of Cheung Ek is situated 15 kilometers south-west of Phnom Penh and made famous by the film of the same name “Killing Field”. it was a place where more than 17,000 civilians were killed and buried in mass graves; many of them transported here after detention and torture in Toul Sleng. This place is a chilling reminder of the brutalities of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime. In the center of the area is a 17 story glass stupa which houses 8000 skulls exhumed from mass graves.

In the afternoon, we will visit Royal Palacebuilt by King Norodom in 1866 on the site of the old town, and the Silver Pagoda,  Raung Damrei Museum. The Palace building and Silver Pagoda are located within the same walled ground. The Silver Pagoda is so named because of its floor, which is made up of 5000 silver tiles. The treasures include a solid gold Buddha encrusted and weighing 90 kilos and a small 17th century emerald and baccarat crystal Buddha. And then move to National Museum of Fine Arts, next to the Royal Palce was dedicated by king Sisowath in 1920. Over 5000 objects are on display including Angkorian era statues, lingas and other artifacts, most notabley the legentary statue of the “Leper King” Though the emphasis is on Angkorian artifacts, there is also a good collection of pieces from later periods, including a special exhibition pf post-Angkorian Buddha figures. Then visitWat Phnom, a small hill crowned by an active wat (pagoda) marks the legendary founding place of the Phnom Penh.